We’ll set up a 30 minute phone call to talk about your doll to discuss colors, fabric, symbols, etc. to include in the doll. I'll ask you to send a photo of yourself, or a photo of the person the doll is for. This helps me visualize the color, energy and vibration that will inform the doll’s creation.
This will be followed by a 30-minute distance Reiki session to offer support, and to gather intuitive information about the recipient.
It will usually take three to four weeks for me to create your doll. I will send you process photos along the way. It’s a collaborative process.
A handmade pouch with small bottle of Doterra essential oil can be included for $4.00 per bottle. Cost of small handmade pouch will be $5.00. This will be made to be hung on the doll. Choice of oils are lavender, tea tree oil, or peppermint.
Smaller dolls range from $75 to $100
Larger dolls range from $150 to $200
Small animal dogs/cats or crows can be added at an agreed upon amount considering their complexity and size. Shipping is not included.
Please feel free to contact me via the form below and we will set up a time to talk about your commission. I'm happy to provide a quote for you!
I look forward to connecting and offering you a Spirit Doll that speaks to your dreams!
When I first started making dolls I had to use what was on hand. I found a free box of upholstery fabric samples in front of the local sewing shop. Sometimes people ask that I incorporate fabric that has personal significance for them~ Hence my son received a spirit doll made from his favorite old camouflage pants, and my friend Marta received a doll adorned with her grandmother's old jewelry. I tend to use what I can find, but I do love beautiful fabrics, and enjoy finding "thrown away" treasures and transforming them into objects of beauty. For the most part I use natural fabrics, and have an array of fabrics ranging from burlap to silk. The dolls are shaped with either polyester, cotton, or wool fill. You can specify your preference.