When I first became interested in digital drawing it was in the early 90’s. My daughter had bought a used Apple computer which had an older painter program on it. I would steal a little time on it each evening. enjoying the immediacy, and the ergonomics of it. My skills were limited but working in this way became a source of divination and comfort to me. Perhaps referring to it as a source of divination seems like overstating my practice of drawing but to be engaging in this way, is like jumping into the unknown. Is there another way can you describe the supernatural, but to say it is an unknown?
Working digitally is like dreaming. One can work quickly which allows the unconscious mind to reveal itself in an almost mercurial way. Finally, I picked up a computer of my own, finding many online drawing and painting programs to explore line, color, and drawing without inhibition. That is not to say I have thrown away my pencils, and brushes but the art of digital has an immediacy that affords a quickening of my revelatory process.
Memory and Thought roost on the Mother
Sometimes it takes me awhile to see what the message is in a drawing. It is a form of mindfulness. Drawing is a way to call for a higher wisdom. For example, the drawing above is working with the archetype of Odin’s crows Hugninn (thought), and Muninn (memory, or mind.) There was not much forethought involved in its creation, other than duality and crows.
While much of my drawing is brought forth from the unconscious, I’m always pleased when I can stand out of my way to allow that process. In the above drawing, the message of the Divine Mother, is the creative force calling me to pay attention to the pull of thought and memory while simultaneously staying grounded in the present. A tree is rooted, present, and responsive, but not reactive, or turning in upon itself, but branching out to the world around it. It exemplifies an unpretentious form of gratitude.
By working with these archetypes in my drawings. I am calling upon ancestors and acknowledging their influence. It is a living relationship. In this way, the reality of an interconnection between not just all humans living, but all in the past, all beings, and all of existence.